T-55A Main Battle Tank

Crew: 4
Combat Mass: 36 mt
Armament: 100 mm D-10T2S rifled gun; 1 x 7.62 mm SGMT coaxial machine gun; 1 x 12.7 mm DShK anti-aircraft machine gun
Engine: Model: V-55 12-cylinder, 4-stroke, water-cooled, direct injection diesel engine. Output: 580 hp @ 2,000 rpm (16.1 hp/t)
Transmission: Mechanical, manual shift; 5 forward gears and 1 reverse gear
Suspension: Torsion bar suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers
Fording: Without preparation: 1.4 meters; With preparation: 5 meters
Speed: Road 50 km/h - Cross Country 30 km/h
Operating Range: Road 500 km (with external fuel tanks) - Cross Country 320 km
Development history
Development of the T-55A commenced in the mid-1950s as an improvement over the T-54 series. The T-55A was introduced into service in 1961 with enhanced NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protection and improved armor. It was designed to be a versatile and reliable main battle tank with emphasis on firepower, protection, and ease of production. Principle tasks include frontline combat, support for infantry operations, and anti-armour engagements.
The T-55A featured an improved version of the 100 mm D-10T2S rifled gun with better stabilization and fire control systems. The main armament is capable of firing a variety of ammunition types including APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot) and HEAT (High-Explosive Anti-Tank) rounds. The armour is made of rolled homogeneous steel, providing protection against small arms fire and shell fragments. The front hull and turret have additional layers to enhance resistance against anti-tank munitions.
The T-55A was widely exported and saw service in numerous conflicts around the world. Its robust design and relatively low cost made it one of the most widely used tanks in the latter half of the 20th century. Despite being superseded by more modern designs, the T-55A remains in use in some countries due to its proven effectiveness and ease of maintenance.